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Arxime NoteManager 1.0

Arxime NoteManager 1.0

Arxime NoteManager Publisher's Description

Arxime NoteManager keeps track of many different types of information. Different types are stored in different folders. These are the different types:

Memos, which lets you type and store small text files. For example, you could record the words to your favourite song.

Tasks, which maintains simple to-do lists. You can also estimate the time each task will take (and NoteManager will total the times for you).

Web Links, used to keep track of temporary URLs. Not to be confused with favourites, which your web browser already maintains, this folder can be used for temporary or less important links. For example, you might want to save the page of a particular internet auction.

Passwords, which keeps track of your internet passwords. Anyone who has used the web knows that it's a chore to keep all your passwords secure. This folder simplifies the process with features like:

Password Protected Folders
Password Generators
Password AutoHide
Phone Numbers, used to write down a quick phone number.

Clipboard, which is a history of recent items in your Windows Clipboard. Use it to copy notes into Memos, or to retrieve something that you lost by accident.

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